Monday, December 10, 2012

Anada yoga


Ananda yoga utilizes gentle postures to move energy up to the brain and prepare the body for meditation.  This form of yoga is designed to integrate and harmonize the physical, mental and spiritual sides of us.  The basic approach to Anada yoga is to raise your level of consciousness by reinforcing the natural effects of yoga postures. 

Energization exercises and asana affirmations are incorporated into Anada yoga.  Energization exercises are a series of 39 special energy controlled techniques designed to help the practitioner increase, focus, and control the life-force.  Yoga postures are paired with affirmations to have a direct impact on your state of consciousness, bringing the mind actively and directly into one’s practice.

Ananda Yoga includes:

· Asana (yoga postures)

· Pranayama (special breathing and energy-control techniques)

· Classical yoga meditation techniques

· Applied yoga philosophy

Ananda Yoga provides all the benefits for which yoga is generally known but also awakens a higher awareness of the subtle but vital Life Force (prana). Rather than focusing only on the physical energy, Ananda Yoga uses physical energy as a pathway inward, to awareness and control of prana.

When engaging in Ananda Yoga utilize yoga wear with built in support that allows your body to move freely and is ideal for those inverted poses and in turn frees your body and mind for the full effects Anada yoga can bring to your life.  Some of the most popular styles have the support; the moisture wicking and comfort features yoga
enthusiasts look for.



Friday, December 7, 2012

Salmon Salad w/Red Chile-Caesar Dressing

Prep Time: 15 Min
Serves 4 servings
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
2 Tbsp grated Parmesan Cheese
2 Garlic cloves peeled
1 1/2 tsp Anchovy Paste (optional)
1 tsp Red Chili Paste
1 tsp Dijon Mustard
1/2 tsp Worcestershire Sauce
Salt and Papper to taste
2 Heads of Romaine Lettuce, trimmed
2 Cups cooked Salmon Fillet, chunked.
Your favorite croutons
Combine the first 8 ingredients using a blender or food processor, blend until smooth. Season with Salt and Pepper.
On a large platter or wide bowl add lettuce topped with Salmon chunks, Drizzle dressing over Salad and serve. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Exercises designed for seniors



Exercises designed for seniors

¨ Walking—low impact easy on joints and requires very little investment other than commitment

¨ Stretching—improves flexibility and range of motion

¨ Swimming—relives stress on bones and joints and improves endurance and flexibility

¨ Cycling—low impact, easy on joints and lowers the chance of heart attacks in people over 60

¨ Water aerobics—low impact builds endurance, strength with resistance training and is a great full body workout

¨ Lifting weights –low impact using light weights builds muscle and builds cardiovascular endurance.

¨ Yoga –Benefits include all body workout, stretching, balance and strength training. Improves a sense of calm for the mind, body and soul

¨ Tai Chi –low impact that improves balance, strength and flexibility with slow moving poses

¨ Golf—improves range of motion, increases flexibility and strength. This fun and social sport is a great way to stay fit

¨ Do what you love—chances are you will stick with the things that make you happiest so whether it’s jogging, golfing or swimming just stay involved and active

Monday, December 3, 2012

Exercise for women 50 and older

Exercise is important at every age however; for women that are 50 and older exercise could be the difference between experiencing sleepless nights and getting the recommended amount of sleep daily.

Women over 50 who get regular physical activity lesson many of the symptoms of menopause such as; hot flashes, joint pain, anxiety, depression and most of all those sleepless nights. 

Exercise also reduces many health risks such as; heart disease, osteoporosis and diabetes.  One of the most abundant changes women over 50 experiences is weight gain and it is one of the hardest facts of life a woman over 50 will overcome. 

·         Cardiovascular exercises incorporated into a woman’s daily activities will empower her with the techniques to overcome weight gain associated with menopause and in turn will decrease other menopausal symptoms.  

·         Strength training maintains and improves posture and stabilizes weight while building muscle.  As we grow older it is important to maintain muscle mass and resistance training can combat this effect because as you put more tension on your muscles it puts more pressure on your bones, which tends to respond by continuously creating fresh, new bone.

·         Incorporate a stretching routine as it helps to maintain flexibility and range of motion.  Stretching before you begin your daily exercise routine can minimize injury and don’t forget to stretch after your workout to reduce soreness.

Physical activity will improve many symptoms of menopause so take charge and get started today.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Getting back on track after Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of most American’s favorite holidays.  It brings friends and family together to share a feast; it’s just a great holiday.  After Thanksgiving it can be difficult getting back on track with your diet and exercise routine. 
I try to reestablish my routine as soon as possible for a number of advantages:
·         Less weight fluctuations when readjusting my caloric intake.  Foods influence the brain's neurotransmitters and affect mood. Dietary strategies can help increase holiday joy without adding pounds.

o   Increase low Sodium and increase high potassium Foods.  By avoiding salty snacks and eating bananas may have a positive effect on mood which translates into less calories taken in.
o   Increase proteins and amino acids into your diet.  High protein foods metabolize slowly which make them less likely to cause fluctuations in blood sugar spikes that result in irritability and hunger.
o   Healthy fats increase good cholesterol and lower triglycerides and are vital to brain function. A study of 37 patients who visited a clinic for bipolar disorder showed that those given 1 to 2 g of omega-3 fatty acids per day had significantly lower levels of irritability that in turn lowered their poor eating habits. 

·         Reinforcing previously developed healthy eating habits

o   By getting back on track quickly you can minimize the impact that poor eating habits will have on your overall routine.

·         Getting a jump start for the upcoming Holiday, that’s right were not out of the woods yet, Christmas is right around the corner.

o   Take advantage of the lull between thanksgiving and Christmas to get ahead of the game from a nutritional perspective
o   Pre-plan meals and snacks to insure you have plenty of safe foods on hand when the holiday arrives.
o   Insure your hydration habits are robust, you will find it easier to grab a glass of water instead of a high calorie snack when the urge hits.

·         Reestablishing my exercise routine

o   Exercise decreases stress hormones, such as cortisol and increases endorphins
o   Exercise increases feel good chemicals naturally released by the body like adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine
For me my body and my mind are ready to jump back into a routine and I am excited to get back on track.  And after a strong work out I feel great.  I am more relaxed and I feel stronger mind body and soul.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Consider your options when choosing a gym or studio

·         When choosing a facility your budget should always be a strong consideration.  During the New Year and in September when students are returning back to school is when most gyms or studios offer discounts on memberships making these a great time to join a gym. Avoid long term contracts when joining a gym or studio for your own flexibility and avoid paying for extra privileges it can really add up.

·         Be aware of member profiles:

                                                        i.            Mixed gender gyms

                                                      ii.            Specialized programs for seniors, men and women

                                                    iii.            Number of members

                                                    iv.            Peak hours 

·         Insure your gym has the type of equipment needed to facilitate the type of exercise you are involved in as well as area designated for stretching.    

·         Inspect the main areas and locker rooms for cleanliness and maintenance; use these cues to assess the overall feel of the environment.   

·         Are trainers available? 

·         Is the staff friendly and helpful? 

·         What about the other patrons are you comfortable and do you feel welcome? 

In addition to the right facility, equipment and exercise routine you also need to insure you are wearing the correct attire.  Do you feel confident and comfortable with what you are wearing?  Insure your attire is performance oriented, does it wick moisture away from your body?  Does it fit correctly? There are many high performance fabrics available that are designed to meet the demands of your activity levels whether you are involved in yoga, weight training or outdoor activity like cycling or running.